

求写一篇英语作文 500-800字 关于西方教育 历史 文化 艺术 (不必全写) 非常感谢

Because cultural context different, speaks the different language person when conversation, even if the language accurate is unmistakable, also can have the misunderstanding. Frequently because a speech said is appropriate, causes the listener to laugh loudly The language reflects a national the characteristic, it not only is containing this nationality's history and the cultural context, moreover is containing this nationality to the life the view, the life style and the thinking mode. Language and cultural mutual influence, interaction; Understood the language must understand the culture, understood the culture must understand the language. Through each kind of channel, I understood concerned to the language and the cultural aspect knowledge. Because in the cultural difference, in the foreign lecture person frequently discovered audience some joke which say to him did not reflect. However can cause person Yang Mafan in the domestic identical joke which the audience smiles. A Chinese youth to the neighbor swimming pool swimming, a while came back, why does a foreigner ask, he explained: "In the swimming pool the person too are many, water too dirty, early should trade. Like sesame jam boiled dumpling." Another Chinese youth has smiled, but that foreigner simply did not know any is the sesame jam and the boiled dumpling. Basic cannot feel slightly humorously. The Chinese meets mutually says time the hello, often said: "You have eaten?" But the foreigner can think this kind of greeting is said: "I have not eaten, we walk together eat a thing!" This kind of greeting thought only invites the others to eat meal. Also once just arrived China the foreign scholar tied anxiously said with Chinese that, "Why did you always ask I ate did not have? I am rich." In English has Good morning, Good aftenoon, Good evening all is equal in Chinese "hello". When Good noon, Good night all is the farewell said speech. In US, the regular meeting hears to the American woman to discuss how her husband does work diligently, does like this splendidly, obtains the reward and so on. Also can praise own children to be intelligent and so on. However can think in China like this uncouth. An American university sets up Chinese spoken language training class, some two teachers teach, their native language word all is not a Chinese. When attends class, male teacher refers oneself said that, "This is the thing?" The female teacher shakes the head said that, "You are not the thing." The male teacher also asked that, "You are the thing?" Female teacher reply that, "I am not the thing." Perhaps the Chinese can guess obtains a ball in a shop (in china shop bull) but not to be able to imagine says in English person mind the image: Niu Penzhuo breathes, ablaze with anger the bull rushes in suspends the full view chinaware in the shop. However, this view meaning is: Clever is appropriate in a need manner, the careful thorough situation rushes in a behavior asperity person. In the Chinese culture, the turtle has two kind of significances: On the one hand symbolic longevity, on the other hand is curses at people. But associates not like this in the western culture, the turtle is only the slow-moving, animal. As for China that, the bat is propitious, health, happy symbol. These associations is possible to come the character bat the name and the lucky unison. In foreign country, the people mention the bat, thinks of the ugly image. Therefore exchanges in us with the foreigner, we should all the time pay attention to own language.






一个中国青年到附近游泳池游泳,一会儿就回来了,一个外国人问为什么,他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了.像芝麻酱煮饺子.”另一个中国青年笑了,而那个外国人根本不知道什么是芝麻酱和煮饺子.根本感觉不到丝毫幽默. 中国人见面互相打招呼时,常说:“你吃了吗?”而外国人会以为这种招呼是说:“我也没有吃,我们一起走吃点东西吧!”这种招呼以为只邀请别人来吃饭.也曾经一位刚到中国的外国学者结巴巴地用汉语说:“你们为什么老问我吃了没有?我有钱.” 英语中有Good morning,Good aftenoon,Good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”.但 Good noon,Good night都是告别时说的话.在美国,常会听到美国妇女谈她丈夫工作如何努力,干得这样出色,得到奖励等.也会夸自己的子女多么聪明等.然而在中国就会认为这样俗气. 一所美国大学开办汉语口语训练班,有两位教师来教,他们的本族语言都不是汉语.上课时,男老师指指自己说:“这是东西吗?”女教师摇摇头说:“你不是东西.”男教师又问:“你是东西吗?”女教师回答:“不,我不是东西.”

中国人也许会猜得出a ball in a shop(瓷店里的公牛)但想象不出说英语人心目中的形象:一头牛喷着鼻息,怒气冲冲地公牛闯进摆满景致瓷器的店里.然而,这种说法的意思是:在一个需要举止灵巧得体,细致周密的场合闯进一个行为粗鲁的人.




英语作文“我眼中的西方文化” 200字左右,要求有中文翻译.

The history of western culture and art are derived from religion,since the Renaissance after the change,but although religious (Christian) to its effect is still visible everywhere.After all,has forme...

中西文化差异 英语作文


Today,lots of people are affected by western culture especially the new generation who born after 1990s.


In my opinion,some of western culture is good but some of them are not suited.Learning western culture can let us know about what is the western custom and what differnets between chinese and western.


because of comparison we can learn the positive sides such as more confident,independent.On the other side,the negative sides we should not learn.for example,some high school student even younger fall in love with others.


They spend much time to do it and forget what more important things they really need to do in that moment.Indeed,every coins have two sides.how to do deal with it,I think let time make the answer.




求一篇关于学习西方文化的英语作文 谢谢了

The culture of France and of the French people has been shaped by geography, by profound historical events, and by foreign and internal forces and groups. France, and in particular Paris, has played an important role as a center of high culture and of decorative arts since the seventeenth century, first in Europe, and from the nineteenth century on, world wide. From the late nineteenth century, France has also played an important role in modern art, cinema, fashion and cuisine. The importance of French culture has waned and waxed over the centuries, depending on its economic, political and military importance. French culture today is marked both by great regional and socioeconomic differences and by strong unifying tendencies.

Culture, whether in France, Europe or in general, consists of beliefs and values learned through the socialization process as well as material artifacts.[1][2] Culture guides the social interactions between members of society and influences the personal beliefs and values that shape a person's perception of their environment: "Culture is the learned set of beliefs, values, norms and material goods shared by group members. Culture consists of everything we learn in groups during the life course-from infancy to old age."[3]

The conception of "French" culture however poses certain difficulties and presupposes a series of assumptions about what precisely the expression "French" means. Where as American culture posits the notion of the "melting-pot" and cultural diversity, the expression "French culture" tends to refer implicitly to a specific geographical entity (as, say, "metropolitan France", generally excluding its overseas departments) or to a specific historico-sociological group defined by ethnicity, language, religion and geography. The realities of "Frenchness" however, are extremely complicated. Even before the late nineteenth century, "metropolitan France" was largely a patchwork of local customs and regional differences that the unifying aims of the Ancien Régime and the French Revolution had only begun to work against, and today's France remains a nation of numerous indigenous and foreign languages, of multiple ethnicities and religions, and of regional diversity that includes French citizens in Corsica, Guadeloupe, Martinique and elsewhere around the globe.

The creation of some sort of typical or shared French culture or "cultural identity", despite this vast heterogeneity, is the result of powerful internal forces — such as the French educational system, mandatory military service, state linguistic and cultural policies — and by profound historic events — such as the Franco-Prussian war and the two World Wars — which have forged a sense of national identity over the last 200 years. However, despite these unifying forces, France today still remains marked by social class and by important regional differences in culture (cuisine, dialect/accent, local traditions) that many fear will be unable to withstand contemporary social forces (depopulation of the countryside, immigration, centralization, market forces and the world economy).

In recent years, to fight the loss of regional diversity, many in France have promoted forms of multiculturalism and encouraged cultural enclaves (communautarisme), including reforms on the preservation of regional languages and the decentralization of certain government functions, but French multiculturalism has had a harder time of accepting, or of integrating into the collective identity, the large non-Christian and immigrant communities and groups that have come to France since the 1960s.

The last fifty years has also seen French cultural identity "threatened" by global market forces and by American "cultural hegemony". Since its dealings with the 1993 GATT free trade negotiations, France has fought for what it calls the exception culturelle, meaning the right to subsidize or treat favorably domestic cultural production and to limit or control foreign cultural products (as seen in public funding for French cinema or the lower VAT accorded to books). The notion of an explicit exception française however has angered many of France's critics[4].

The French are often perceived as taking a great pride in national identity and the positive achievements of France (the expression "chauvinism" is of French origin) and cultural issues are more integrated in the body of the politics than elsewhere (see "The Role of the State", below). The French Revolution claimed universalism for the democratic principles of the Republic. Charles de Gaulle actively promoted a notion of French "grandeur" ("greatness"). Perceived declines in cultural status are a matter of national concern and have generated national debates, both from the left (as seen in the anti-globalism of José Bové) and from the right and far right (as in the discourses of the National Front).

According to Hofstede's Framework for Assessing Culture, the culture of France is moderately individualistic and high Power Distance Index.

Now, the interracial blending of some native French and newcomers stands as a vibrant and boasted feature of French culture, from popular music to movies and literature. Therefore, alongside mixing of populations, exists also a cultural blending (le métissage culturel) that is present in France. It may be compared to the traditional US conception of the melting-pot. The French culture might have been already blended in from other races and ethnicities, in cases of some biographical research on the possibility of African ancestry on a small number of famous French citizens. Author Alexandre Dumas, père possessed one-fourth black Haitian descent,[5] and Empress Josephine Napoleon who was born and raised in the French West Indies from a plantation estate family. We can mention as well, the most famous French singer Edith Piaf whose grandmother was a North African from Kabylie[6].

For a long time, the only objection to such outcomes predictably came from the far-right schools of thought. In the past few years, other unexpected voices are however beginning to question what they interpret, as the new philosopher Alain Finkielkraut coined the term, as an "ideology of miscegenation" (une idéologie du métissage) that may come from what one other philosopher, Pascal Bruckner, defined as the "sob of the White man" (le sanglot de l'homme blanc). These critics have been dismissed by the mainstream and their propagators have been labelled as new reactionaries (les nouveaux réactionnaires)[7], even if racist and anti-immigration sentiment has recently been documented to be increasing in France at least according to one poll[8]. Such critics, including Nicolas Sarkozy, the current President of France, take example on the United States' conception of multiculturalism to claim that France has consistently denied the existence of ethnic groups within their borders and has refused to grant them specific rights.


The history of western culture and art are derived from religion, since the Renaissance after the change, but although religious (Christian) to its effect is still visible everywhere. After all, has formed thousands of belief atmosphere.

Can't deny that China's artistic culture from religion, like the dunhuang mogao grottoes, leshan giant Buddha is deeply influence Buddhism as many as are better, mount wudang Taoism - but this is an effect of distinction by single Christian (western Catholic), while the effect of religion in China for art culture is not single. Another Chinese more, not by the influence from religion, and all kinds of people, such as Confucianism such services, the ruling class will influence, etc. Another sure-to-be-talked-about point in China and the folk spontaneous art culture. 历史上西方的艺术文化均源自宗教,自文艺复兴后虽有所改变,但宗教(基督教)对其产生的影响仍是随处可见。毕竟已经形成了上千年的信仰氛围。





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