




It is located in the inland of Southwest China, bounded by 26 n ° 03′~34 ° 19 ', 97 e ° 21′~108 ° It is connected to Chongqing in the East, Yunnan and Guizhou in the south, Tibet in the west, Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai in the north.


The landform of Sichuan is large and its terrain is complex and diverse. It is located in the transitional zone between the first grade Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the third grade middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the three great steps of the Chinese mainland.


It is composed of mountains, hills, plains, basins and plateaus.Sichuan Province is divided into three major climates, namely, the humid climate in the middle subtropics of Sichuan Basin.





Chengdu is a great city of China,it is in the west of China,we often call it "the heart of west in China".Chengdu is a famous cultural city of China for its long history.The nice food in Chengdu is famous for :fu qi fei pian,dan dan mian,la#from 作文 关于成都的 英语作文 3篇来自学优网 end#i tang yuan,long chao shou etc.In 2001," Jinsha relics"was found.and Jian Yuan temple is famous in Cheng du.There are 55 Nationalities in Chendu,the traffic developed very quickly.People who living in Chengdu are very happy.

成都是中国的一个大城市。它位于中国西部,素有中国西部之心的称呼。成都有悠久的 文化 历史。在成都,非常有名的菜有“夫妻肺片,担担面,赖汤圆,龙抄手等。2001年,在成都发现金沙遗迹,著名的古迹还有建元寺等。成都生活着55个少数民族。成都的交通发展非常迅速。生活在成都的人民感觉非常幸福。


The people usually had the desire which goes out, if you produced have gone out the traveling the desire, Chengdu was the destination which you might consider, Chengdu is Sichuan's provincial capital city, located at the Chinese southwest Chengdu plain, one toured to this may let you understand Chengdu's joyful life style, the native of Chengdu by theirs leisurely and carefree being famous, Chengdu is a culture and the historical famous city, during many famous traditional construction, strolled quite in a on hall history lesson, but the urban center business district was tall buildings row after row, told the tourist Chengdu is also one modern commercial city, the Chengdu most famous street is the spring west road, it is located at the town center, is a shopping paradise, Chengdu takes a beautiful heaven, but is known far and wide, collects this from the regional people to taste the famous snack and the hot pot, Chengdu take its historical glorious culture as the characteristic, if the long time shopping or the street corner stroll to feel are weary, may the restaurant rest which finds at everywhere in the street relax, Sichuan is panda's hometown, Chengdu has a famous panda theme park, beautiful Jing Jiang extends is putting on the city, the both banks exquisite scenery causes the human to have an eyeful, beautiful Chengdu opens happily, greets from the world's the baby, nobody returns brings to leave here disappointedly!



It is said that Chengdu is a city which if you come you can't leave.It has a long history.there stands Du Fu's thatched cottage ,The Temple of Zhugeliang and some other place of historical interest.They are all so famous that many foreign tourists like to come here.Chengdu also has a comfortable weather for people who live in there.Even though in the winter it is still warmer than any other cities in China.Besides,as Chengdu people are fond of eating,they have created many delicious food such as hot pan,Three Big guns,and some others.



Chengdu Snacks owns several notable characteristics that make it unique.

First, Chengdu snacks have a long history. Chengdu was once the capital of Shu State during the Three Kingdom period and enjoys a splendid traditional culture. Being part of the time-honored culture, Chengdu food culture appeals to people from all over the world. Chengdu is ideal place to fullfil your appetite for food. For instance, "Zhong Boiled Dumplings" and "Lai Tangyuan" (stuffed balls made of glutinous rice flour served in soup) have a history of over 100 years.

Second, Chengdu snacks are carefully prepared with meticulously selected materials.

Third, Chengdu boasts a wide variety of snacks. Snacks: Chengdu Snacks, by virtue of its long history, are diversified and have their distinguishing features. According to statistics, Chengdu has at least over 500 different kinds of established snacks and over 5,000 stores that serve snacks.

Fourth, Chengdu snacks are varied in taste. People who have not been to Chengdu will think all dishes and snacks served in Chengdu are spicy. As a matter of fact, many Chengdu snacks are aromatic, sweet, tender and tasty.

Fifth, there are many ways to eat Chengdu snacks.


Chengdu snacks are divided into four categories according to the main ingredients: wheat flour, rice, meat and vegetable, miscellaneous.


1. 关于自我介绍的英文短文

2. 关于青春励志的英语短文

3. 经典的自我介绍的英语短文

4. 自我介绍的优秀英文短文

5. 自我介绍的英文短文大全



hometown is Bazhong, Sichuan. It is a beautiful and rich city with a

very two sided feature. On the one hand, if you live in the city, you

will find that the city of Bazhong does not have the hustle and fast

pace of life in that big city, but an unhurried comfort, and the work is

nine to five, right. For those who are keen on work, they do not know that they are comfortable.

On the other hand, if you want to experience some kind of chrysanthemum

East hedge, you can see the South Mountain Enron, then you come to the

place, because Bazhong has been the official main road since ancient

times, the economic development is quite prosperous, the cultural

development has reached a certain level, for the people of Bazhong, they

live a happy life every day, it seems to be one.

A modern world of paradise, it is very suitable for those who want to

relax, sort out the mood, leave the tedious things away temporarily,

enjoy a rare quiet, and more thankful, the people of Bazhong are very

warm and hospitable, like to make friends, and share the good things to

the people who come to play here. Finally, I warmly welcome you to visit Bazhong. I believe you will linger on.




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