


Chopsticks are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as the traditional eating utensils of Greater China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Generally believed to have originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of metal, bone, ivory, and various types of wood. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.



Chopsticks are used to eat most kinds of Chinese foods, with some exceptions. Some of the most important rules to remember when dining with chopsticks are as follows:

Hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the middle or the front third.

When you are not using your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tips to left.

Do not stick chopsticks into your food, especially not into rice. This is only done at funerals with rice that is put onto the altar.

Do not pass food directly from your set of chopsticks to another's. Again, this is a funeral tradition that involves the bones of a cremated body.

Do not spear food with your chopsticks.

Do not point with your chopsticks.

Do not wave your chopsticks around in the air or play with them.

Do not move plates or bowls around with your chopsticks.

To separate a piece of food in two, exert controlled pressure on the chopsticks while moving them apart from each other in order to tear the food. This takes some practice. With larger pieces of food such as tempura, it is also acceptable to pick up the entire piece with your chopsticks, and take a bite.

If you have already eaten with your chopsticks, use the opposite end to take food from a shared plate.

用英语翻译一段话,筷子(chopsticks)是最能反映中国饮食文 化特色和传统的重要象征之一。筷子有着 悠久

chopsticks are one of the most important symbols of Chinese diet culture and tradition。It is a long history of chopsticks,which can date back to more than 3000 years ago。No matter when and where,Chinese can hardly leave chopsticks while eating。In addition,chopsticks can be special arts and crafts and presents as etiquette,gifts,Valentine and collection。Nowadays,chopsticks have appeared on many countries' tables all over the world。Even,there is a current trend of ”please pick up the chopsticks for your health“ in the west。


Chopsticks are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as the traditional eating utensils of Greater China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Generally believed to have originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of metal, bone, ivory, and various types of wood. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.


Chopsticks, pronounced as "kuai zi" in Chinese, are often made from various materials including wood, bamboo, and steel; with few expensive exceptions such as ivory and silver.


Chopsticks usually look like a pair of long, thin cylinders or prisms with threaded ends that help users to handle. Then, gourmets can grab the threaded ends with three fingers, and grab food with the other end by crossing the two sticks. 筷子一般看起来像长而细,一端有着帮助用户把握的螺纹的圆柱或者棱柱。 食客可以用三根手指夹持螺纹端,然后再交叉2根筷子的另一端夹食物。

Chopsticks not only serve as tools in Chinese dinning culture, but also carry the spirituality of Chinese forerunners. It is forbidden to inject the chopsticks straight up into the rice bowl as this behaviour shows disrespect to the ancestors. 筷子不仅仅是承载中餐文化的工具,同时也寄托了中国前辈的精神。 将筷子垂直插入饭碗是被严格禁止的。 因为这样亵渎了祖先。

为什么中国人要用筷子 ?(要英文回答)


英文名:chopstick(单根筷子) ,chopsticks(一双筷子)。

起源於中国,古代叫 箸(箸者,助也,意思是帮助吃饭的工具),也叫筯,还叫棶,因为 箸 和 住 是谐音字,有停住、不吉利的意思,后来就用停住的反义字”快“加个竹字头,就成了现在筷子名称的由来。(清朝赵翼曾引用明朝陆容的《菽园杂记》说:「起於吴中。凡舟行讳住讳翻,故呼箸为快子」)





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