


1. 送客礼仪常识英语

送客礼仪常识英语 1.关于介绍国际礼貌礼仪常识的英文例子

国外餐桌礼仪:1. Pull out chairs to seat the women when you are eating together.进餐时帮助女士入座。

2. Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated.在女士未入座之前不要抢先入座。3. Pull your chair up and sit close to the table after sitting down.入座后将椅子靠近餐桌。

4. It is customary to say grace before the meal begins in many Christian homes. Watch the host or hostess. If they bow their heads, join them.很多基督徒家庭进餐前有祷告的习惯。注意观察主人或主妇,如果他们低下头去,你也应随从他们。

5. When the hostess takes her napkin, open your napkin in half and lay it across your lap.女主人拿起餐巾时,你也应拿起餐巾,打开一半,摊放在膝盖上。6. When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.使用餐具吃饭时,首先从最外侧开始,刀和叉是用来吃第二道菜及以后的菜的。

最靠近盘子的餐具要留到最后用。7. When having soup, move the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup. When a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you.用匙舀汤时,匙要从里往外舀。

汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。8. Cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops, into *** all pieces all at one time.把大块食物,如牛排或排骨,一次切成若干小块。

9. Use you knife close to the fork. This way, it is a lot easier to cut meat.刀要靠近叉使用,这样更容易切割。10. Put your knife and fork diagonally on the further side of the plate when you have finished eating something. Do not place them leaning on the plate. The knife should always be placed the sharp edge in.吃完东西时将刀叉对角放齐,置于盘子外侧。

不要靠在盘子上,而且刀刃应该向里。11. In America, when you have finished cutting, you can put down the knife, transfer the fork to the right hand and eat. In Europe, you hold your fork in the left hand and carry food to your mouth on the back of the fork. It helps to put some solid piece of food at the edge of the fork and pile soft food on it.在美国,切完东西时,你可以放下刀,用右手拿起叉来吃饭;在欧洲,你可以左手拿叉,用叉的背面将食物送到嘴里,这样有利于叉的边缘放较硬的食物,上面再放较软的食物。

12. You can choose whichever you like.你可以自由选择你喜欢的食物。












作者: 詹洋


























Dear Mike: Hello,I'm Liming。

I got your message yesterday。 In China,Middle high students have many subjects 。

Like chinese,math,english,history and so on。 But I like math very much because I think it's really interesting。

And I don't like chinese 。 bacause it's really boring。

I have many subject : chinese,math,english, music,P。E,history, What about you ? please write me soon。

Yours Liming。


文明礼仪知识教育 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期 共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。

对一个人来说 ,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪 是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实 践的一个重要内容。

礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐 、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠 礼仪、文明交往等。

在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为 礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际 交往,告别不文明的言行。

礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原 则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心 非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人,不逢 场作戏,言行不一。 文明礼仪知识教育 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期 共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。

对一个人来说 ,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪 是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实 践的一个重要内容。

礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐 、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠 礼仪、文明交往等。

在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为 礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际 交往,告别不文明的言行。

礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原 则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心 非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人,不逢 场作戏,言行不一。 文明礼仪知识教育 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期 共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。

对一个人来说 ,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪 是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实 践的一个重要内容。

礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐 、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠 礼仪、文明交往等。

在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为 礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际 交往,告别不文明的言行。

礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原 则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心 非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人,不逢 场作戏,言行不一。 Course for drama, words and deeds differ.Civilized etiquette educatioiquette for the maintenance of human society to live a normal life and mon people to ply with the requirements of the most basic moral standards, it is a long-termTo live together and gradually formed in the interaction, and to the customs and traditions, such as fixed. Of a people, Etiquette is a person's ideological and moral levels, culture, municative petence of the external manifestations of a society, the ritualIs the degree of social civilization of a country, and the lifestyle of moral reflection. Great importance to carry out ceremonial and moral education has bee a realAn important element of practice.Etiquette education covers all aspects of social life. From the content point of view there is the appearance, behavior, facial expressions, clothes, conversation, Skills, etc.; from a personal point of view Target etiquette, manners in public places, hospitality and guest etiquette, table manners, tRituals, 。


 我在这里介绍西方的餐桌礼仪 英语版




People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.

Knowing them will help you make a good impression.

Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.

Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.

There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.

When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.

The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.

When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.

In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.

Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.

Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment.

Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.

For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.

After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.

The next dish is the main course.

Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird.

Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.

It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don't take more food than you need.

At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.

Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.

Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.

When drinking to someone's health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.

The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.

For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.

Table manners change over time.

They follow the fashion of the day .

Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.

If you're not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.

Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family.


Sit up straigh,keep your elbows off the table,and silence your cell phone.

Dishes are passed from left to right

Do try a little of everything on your plate

When a lady arrives or leaves the table,it‘s polite for all gentleman at the table of to stand up.

Always say“Please“and “Thankyou“.

Thank the host and hotess before leaving.


Every culture in the world is equal, with no one being dominant or recessive to another.

We should avoid using our own culture, morality and value to judge foreign culture.

We should treat foreign culture objectively and comprehendly.









This paper mainly focuses on the differences of table manners of China and Western countries.

In our modern society, the cross-culture communication between China and Western countries becomes a hot issue and the influences of Chinese and Western etiquette are increasingly profound, which causes the differences in table manners.

In this paper, we attach more importance to the different table manners of China and Western countries, such as, the different ways people sit for a meal, different dining concepts and different table wares and so on.

Meanwhile, it helps us understand the situation.

In this way, we can know well the western countries’ cultural background, and can set up a harmonious relationship with the westerns.

Key words: table manners; cultural background; table culture



With the development of global economy, cross-culture communication has become more and more frequent, and the differences between Chinese and western culture have become more obvious, especially the differences of table manners.

Having dinner is more than the basic necessity of life.

Instead, having dinner is an important part of social formulae.

“John Loke, a famous British philosopher once said, the purpose of playing a ceremonial role is to change the original stubborn to gentle, so that people’s temper can become more moderate and let people learn to respect for others and get along with each others.

” (Duan, Chen, 2008) There is no doubt that sometimes some strangers become acquaintances, those acquaintances get a better understanding of the other even to the germination of love.

Because table manner is so fantastic that it does us a favor on acquiring more information, opening up eyesight and expanding the circle of communication.

It is obvious that table manners are quite important in people’s everyday life.

There are numberless differences between Chinese and western food cultures, and those differences cause the differences of table manners.

China is one of the four earliest civilizations in the world.

Chinese nation is the only inheritance millennium civilization.

Western society went through the darkness of Middle Ages and then came to Renaissance, gave birth to capitalism and modern civilization.

Today, with the economic globalization, international commercial activities have become more and more frequently and cross-culture communication has come into every nation’s daily life.


Don't allow meal is audible.

Don't allow for others take food.

Don't allow smoking.

Don't allow to others good or not.

Don't allow in public solution belt.

Don't allow discussion disgusting things.







Seating and absence

You should wait for elderly after deciding, fangke sat down at the table.

Table if any lady, you should wait for lady seat set before seats. If ms seat in the next neighbour, ms. Should call

After dinner, need male, the hostess asked, other guests can move.

Slouch in your seat, with mensal distance keep well.

In restaurants, should by the waiter brought Taiwan seats.

The move, should help every seat elderly female or drag on the chair.

Tableware put etiquette 1

Incense wipes the use of

Napkin main prevent dirty clothes, holds concurrently do wipe your mouth and hand stain.

Must wait until everyone after deciding, ability can use napkin.

Napkin should spread out and put them in the knees at the top of the lap, who do not fasten belt, or hang in suit brought mouth.

Avoid by all means wipes dinner service.

(3) the table on the general etiquette

Your seat after pawlowska decently, foot in my seat, must not be arbitrarily unbend, elbow shall not rely on table flanges, or put his hand on neighbor on the back.

Dinner should lukewarm wen erya, calmly quiet, cannot impatience.

On the table can be selfish, also want to take care of others, especially must called on both sides of the female guests.

Mouth has food, should avoid to speak.

Self-used tableware not stretch into male dinner plate clip dishes.

Must be small mouth eat, don't gulp at the end of the cork, food, cannot plug entrance to swallow.

Take food haing soup, should use GongKuai public key.

Eating imported things, not spit it out, if it is a hot food, drink water or juice bathing.

Send food gateways, two cubits should inward depend, is not straight, touch and open to both sides neighbour.

His hand holding a knife and fork, or others in chew food, all should avoid talk to somebody or toast.

Good food is mouth dunking is not mouth was food. Food with juice, can't rush to his mouth, otherwise sauce drops in table-cloth, extremely coarse.

Avoid by all means probing his teeth, application, and with hand or toothpick handkerchief cloak.

Avoid in table cough, sneeze, ou spirit. If can't help, should say "sorry".

Drink appropriate various optional, toast with courtesy to date, avoid by all means is good or not, reasoned, Shouting.

Such as tableware baptistery can ask the waiter picked up.

In case of an accident, if they will wine, water, soup plan splashed onto others clothes, apologize can, do not panic, but will make amends gives the other bashful.

If you want to access in front of the other guests deskmate dressing, should ask the neighbor's guest help transfer, do not put a cross, after take things.

In the case of the master himself cooking food, don't forget to master admiration.

Like to eat unclean or peculiar smell, not ingestion, should the entrance food, light with his thumb and forefinger and removed on a plate. If found not eating, still in pan dishes are insects and gravel, don't frightened little weird, appropriate hou waiter approached and whispered told the waiter replacement.

Feed finish, tableware must be placed in order, and not messy placement. Napkin should also be folded, on the table.

Staple foods, unfavorable smoke, if need to smoke, must obtain the consent of the neighbor.

In a restaurant meal, and can't rob to pay the bill, push-pull contend for pay, most objectionable. If the guest is not rob paying the bill. Friends agree without consent, also unfavorable and friendly paying the bill.

Dine speed, appropriate of the sexes and master synchronization, unfavorable also shoulds not be too fast, too slow.

Table not talk of miserable, otherwise, it will destroy delighted atmosphere.



席上如有女士,应等女士座定后,方可入座。如女士座位在隔邻,应招 呼女士。









餐巾应摊开后,放在双膝上端的大腿上,切勿系人腰带,或挂在西装领 口。



入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。










好的吃相是食物就口,不可将口就食物。食物带汁,不能匆忙送入口, 否则汤汁滴在桌布上,极为不雅。





遇有意外,如不慎将酒、水、汤计溅到他人衣服,表示歉意即可,不 必恐慌赔罪,反使对方难为情。

如欲取用摆在同桌其他客人面前之调味品,应请邻座客人帮忙传递, 不可伸手横越,长驱取物。


如吃到不洁或异味,不可吞入,应将入口食物,轻巧的用拇指和食指 取出,放入盘中。倘发现尚未吃食,仍在盘中的菜肴有昆虫和碎石,不要大惊小 怪,宜侯侍者走近,轻声告知侍者更换。



在餐厅进餐,不能抢着付帐,推拉争付,至为不雅。倘系作客,不能 抢付帐。未征得朋友同意,亦不宜代友付帐。




1. 西餐礼仪英语

(1)Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单。

先生,您要点菜吗? (2)What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? (3)would you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗? (4)It's our chef's remendation.这是我们大厨的拿手菜。 (5) Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单。

请签字。 (6)what kind of food would you like to have?您想吃什么菜? (7)You may sign the bill. The hotel will charge you when you leave.您可以签帐单。

离店时会给您结帐。 (8)It never goes to the head.(不管喝多少)它也不冲脑。

(9)Have you anything in mind as to (decided)what to drink?您决定了喝什么吗? (10)we look forward to having with us tonight.我们期待您今晚大驾光临。 (11)I'm sorry , but I didn't quite catch what you just said.对不起,我没有听明白您刚才的话。

(12)I beg your pardon?/Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 (13)Sorry, sir ,but I don't understand what you mean.很抱歉,先生,我没有听懂您的意思。

(14) Pardon, madam. I am afraid I didn't follow you.对不起,太太,我没有听明白。 (15)What was that? 你说什么?(此话比较随便,也要用升调) (16) Sorry, but could you say it again? 对不起,您能再说一编吗? (17)would you mind repeating, please?请再说一遍,好吗? (18)could you please repeat a little more slowly?您能再慢点儿说一遍吗? (19)It's delicious and worth a try.它鲜美可口,值得一试。

(20)Many guests give high ments on the wine.许多宾客对这种酒赞赏备至。 (21)i suggest that you have a taste of Sichuan dishes.我建议你们尝尝四川菜。

(22)try the green crab if you don't mind.如果您不介意的话,不妨尝一下这种青蟹。 (23)please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.如果你有什么问题,请随即和我们联系。

(24)you'll regret if you don't have a test..如果您不尝一下,您准会后悔的。 (25)I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让您久等了。

(26)I'm really sorry, but I seem to have misserved a dish..真对不起,我好像上错了一个菜。 (27)I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.我上错了汤,真抱歉。

(28)I want to apologize. Is there anything I could do?我该道歉,我能想点办法吗? (29)Bottoms up!干杯! (30)It is a must for every birthday dinner.这对每个生日庆宴都是必不可少。 (31)The great wall is a must for every foreign tourist.长城是每位外国游客必去之处。

(32)I wish you good health.祝您健康。 (33)Let me wish you every success.祝您一切顺利。

(34)I hope you'll have a good time.祝您玩的痛快。 (35)Bon Voyage!一路顺风。

(36)on consumption to master account根据实际消耗由主人包付。 Open bar on a fixed price. 在预先定时定价范围内酒会客人随便享用。

(37)cash on delivery(C..O.D)来客自负饮料费。 (38)How do you like the fish cooked this way?您觉得鱼这样烧怎么样? (39)What do you think of Chinese food?您认为中国菜怎么样? (40)Do you think the soup is tasty?您认为这个汤可口吗? (41)Do you think the price is reasonable?您认为这个价格不公道吗? (42) What's your opinion of their service? 您对他们的服务有什么意见吗? (43)I suggest we (should) go to a Chinese restaurant for a change.我建议到中国餐馆去换换口味。

(should可以省略) (44)Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?你们用餐时想喝点酒吗? (45)what would you like for dinner/dessert?您喜欢吃点什么餐/甜点? (46)How would you like the steak/eggs?您喜欢怎么样做的牛排/鸡蛋? (47) I would suggest Californian red wine for the beef steak.我建议您配牛排喝加利福尼亚红酒。 (48)I What about American breakfast? 吃美式早餐好吗?。

2. 跪求十条西餐礼仪 要英文的 谢谢

1.guests are expected to bring some *** all ts, flowers, chocolate or a bottle of good wine will be fine.2.Do not start eating before the host does.3.when you want something more, don't wait to be served or stop eating. Help yourself somemore and be natural.4.If you want to anwser a phone or leave the table for some other reasons, apologise politely.5.Do not talk with your mouth full.6.If you need to use hand when you are eating , do not hold the food with both hands when eating.7.when you finish eating, put the knife and fork on your plate pointing to yourself。

3. 用英语写出十条西餐的用餐小贴士


(Office ambience)


M:It's only a dinner, why are you so nervous?


M:那倒是,因为table manners are important。

C:嗯。Table manners。就是饭桌上的规矩和礼貌。

M:对,吃西餐的时候每道菜都用不同的餐具,整套餐具就是:a place setting。


M:那就应该在左手边有两把叉子,右手边有一把刀和一个汤勺。对了,喝汤的时候千万不要出声。其实很简单,你只要记住先用外边的就行了。Take utensils from the outside of the place setting to the inside。


M:Absolutely! 把用完的刀,叉放在盘子右边,服务员会把它们收走。No, never put used knives, forks or spoons back on the table。


M:没错。在盘子前面还有吃甜点的小勺和叉。对了,你要不清楚的话,follow what other people do。陈豪, 对不起,I got to go, good luck tonight!

M:Good morning, Chen Hao. How did the dinner go last night?

C:幸亏你昨天教我刀叉的用法,I had no problems at all,只有一个小小的惊慌。

M:What's that?


M:Did you have any other problems?


M:Perfect. It's not that plicated, right? Just remember: Always work from the outside in when deciding which knife, fork or spoon to use. Once used, the utensil never goes back on the table. At the end of the meal, you should have used all the utensils at your place.

4. 西方餐桌礼仪英语

西餐礼仪的知识:用 刀 叉 吃 有 骨 头 的 肉吃 有 骨 头 的 肉 时 , 可 以 用 手 拿 着 吃 。

若 想 吃 得 更 优 雅 , 还 是 用 刀 较 好 。用 叉 子 将 整 片 肉 固 定 (可 将 叉 子 朝 上 , 用 叉 子 背 部 压 住 肉) , 再 用 刀 沿 骨 头 插 人 , 把 肉 切 开 。

最 好 是 边 切 边 吃 。必 须 用 手 吃 时 , 会 附 上 洗 手 水 。

当 洗 手 水 和 带 骨 头 的 肉 一 起 端 上 来 时 , 意 味 着 “ 请 用 手 吃 ” 。 用 手 指 拿 东 西 吃 后 ,将 手 指 放 在 装 洗 手 水 的 碗 里 洗 净 。

吃 一 般 的 菜 时 , 如果 把 手 指 弄 脏 , 也 可 请 侍 者 端 洗 手 水 来 , 注 意 洗 手 时 要 轻 轻 地 洗 。吃 面 包 可 蘸 调 味 汁吃 到 连 调 味 汁 都 不 剩 , 是 对 厨 师 的 礼 貌 。

注 意 不 要 把 面 包 盘 子 “ 舔 ” 得 很 干 净 , 而 要 用 叉 子 叉 住 已 撕 成 小 片 的 面 包 , 再 蘸 一 点 调 味 汁 来 吃 , 是 雅 观 的 作 法 。用 餐 巾 内 侧 擦 拭弄 脏 嘴 巴 时 , 一 定 要 用 餐 巾 擦 拭 , 避 免 用 自 己 的 手 帕 。

用 餐 巾 反 摺 的 内 侧 来 擦 ,而 不 是 弄 脏 其 正 面 , 是 应 有 的 礼 貌 。 手 指 洗 过 后 也 是 用 餐 巾 擦 的 。

若 餐 巾 脏 得 厉 害 , 请 侍 者 重 新 更 换 一 条 。凡 事 由 侍 者 代 劳在 一 流 餐 厅 里 , 客 人 除 了 吃 以 外 , 诸 如 倒 酒 、整 理 餐 具 、捡 起 掉 在 地 上 的 刀 叉 等 事 , 都 应 让 侍 者 去 做 。

在 国 外 , 进 餐 时 侍 者 会 来 问 : “How is everything?” 如 果 没 有 问 题 , 可 用 “Good” 来 表 达 满 意 。聊 天 切 忌 大 声 喧 哗在 餐 厅 吃 饭 时 就 要 享 受 美 食 和 社 交 的 乐 趣 , 沉 默 地 各 吃 各 的 会 很 奇 怪 。

但 旁 若 无 人 地 大 声 喧 哗 , 也 是 极 失 礼 的 行 为 。 音 量 要 小 心 保 持 对 方 能 听 见 的 程 度 , 别 影 响 到 邻 桌 。

中 途 离 席 时 将 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上万 不 得 已 要 中 途 离 席 时 , 最 好 在 上 菜 的 空 档 , 向 同 桌 的 人 打 声 招 呼 , 把 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上 再 走 , 别 打 乱 了 整 个 吃 饭 的 程 序 和 气 氛 。 吃 完 饭 后 , 只 要 将 餐 巾 随 意 放 在 餐 桌 即 可 , 不 必 特 意 叠 整 齐。

任 意 选 择 乳 酪高 级 餐 厅 上 甜 点 之 前 , 会 送 上 一 个 大 托 盘 , 摆 满 数 种 乳 酪 、饼 干 和 水 果 , 挑 多 少 种 都 可 以 , 但 以 吃 得 下 的 范 围 为 准 。用 叉 子 和 汤 匙 吃 甜 点上 甜 点 时 大 都 会 附 上 汤 匙 和 叉 子 。

冰 淇 淋 之 类 的 甜 点 容 易 滑 动 , 可 用 叉 子 固 定 并 集 中 , 再 放 到 汤 匙 里 吃 。 大 块 的 水 果 可 以 切 成 一 口 的 大 小 , 再 用 叉 子 叉 来 吃 。

如 何 招 呼 侍 者侍 者 会 经 常 注 意 客 人 的 需 要 。 若 需 要 服 务 , 可 用 眼 神 向 他 示 意 或 微 微 把 手 抬 高 , 侍 者 会 马 上 过 来 。

如 果 对 服 务 满 意 , 想 付 小 费 时 , 可 用 签 帐 卡 支 付 , 即 在 帐 单 上 写 下 含 小 费 在 内 的 总 额 再 签 名 。 最 后 别 忘 记 口 头 致 谢 。


















5. 西方餐桌礼仪规矩(英文)》2条

12 basic table manners for kids1. Eat with a fork unless the food is meant to be eaten with fingers. Only babies eat with fingers.2. Don't stuff your mouth full of food, it looks gross, and they could choke.3. Chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to be grossed out seeing food being chewed up or hearing it being chomped on. This includes no talking with your mouth full.4. Don't make any rude ments about any food being served. It will hurt someone's feelings.5. Always say thank you when served something. Shows appreciation.6. If the meal is not buffet style, then wait until everyone is served before eating. It shows consideration.7. Eat slowly, don't gobble up the food. Someone took a long time to prepare the food, enjoy it slowly. Slowly means to wait about 5 seconds after swallowing before getting another forkful.8. When eating rolls, break off a piece of bread before buttering. Eating a whole piece of bread looks tacky.9. Don't reach over someone's plate for something, ask for the item to be passed to you. Shows consideration.10. Don't pick anything out of your teeth, it's gross. If it bothers you that bad, excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pick.11. Always use a napkin to dab your mouth, which should be on your lap when not in use. Remember, dab your mouth only. Don't wipe your face or blow your nose with a napkin, both are gross. Excuse yourself from the table and go the restroom to do those things.12. When eating at someone's home or a guest of someone at a restaurant, always thank the host and tell them how delicious it was, even if it wasn't. Again, someone took time, energy, and expense to prepare the food, show your appreciation.。

6. 英语作文西餐礼仪

Eat, with a knife, fork and cut a *** all piece of meat, which happens to be a size. Eat a piece, a cut, do not cut all of a sudden the whole, . Eating pasta, use a fork and slowly rolled noodles, the most convenient 5-per-Juan Si. Can also be used together with spoon and fork to eat, spoon fork to help control the greasy noodles. Mouth can not *** oke, not easily juice to splash everywhere.

and not the whole piece of meat with a fork folder to the mouth, biting edge, while chewing, swallowing edge

7. 关于西餐用餐礼仪的英文介绍~~~

Western mealtime etiquette ments Etiquette is protocol, called the ceremony, which is in the interaction between people, along with a certain, mon procedures and to the performance of self-discipline and respect for the integrity act. Western is a type of diet, colloquially speaking, is the theme of a dining meal manner. It has been the understanding of mankind today is not only a means to sustain life, but enjoyable, but it is also a way exchanges. Food used for selection, cooking methods and decided to dine in all aspects of the basic rules and requirements of a certain courtesy. To enable guests will dine with pleasure successfully, it is imperative to understand the norms and reason. Here it is relevant to note that some of these rules are not rigid dogma, it is for the purpose of the service, but our aim is to enjoy Western : being insiders. Attitude Standard posture is very important, for example, showing should remain stable, not before swinging. Imagine : You can hide behind a *** all rat, and a kitten lying on your knees -- should now able to walk proudly to his knees Fang-ping. Whether male or female, when meals are eyesores created by cigarette *** oke, but impolite. Many unpleasant and embarrassing scenes, mostly caused by such inappropriate move. There should avoid similar moves Chang Cheng-eight shape : having both her legs and chests, pine belts, assume an air of self approbation and stretching his arms in calisthenics, etc., which are very impolite gesture, unbeing. In the United States, when one hand meals, on the other hand can be put on my knees. It is different in Europe, two hands should be retained on the table. But it should be noted that : arms can not be used to support the body, it takes a table, we can not cross on his chest, hands and wrists just take lightly on the table. Natural fingers to *** ooth on the table, not on the table or playing Luantan tableware. Progressive meal Meals, as a general hand and a knife or spoon, fork left hand, also use the right hand to grip the glass. Not too close to the body eaten with utensils food to the mouth, instead of dishes, bowls classics : Who is not with us your plate of food. Attention : In the advanced Class Formula food, but they should avoid sending suction to the voice of a higher temperature if soup can enjoy a short wait, the disk can not be held directly into the mouth. -- Should shut his mouth to chew food, the mouth with food to avoid drinking alcohol beverages. -- Bear in mind : an edible bread plate with bread to dip in the soup (or special status is more about the President to avoid such moves); Lane dedicated to *** all capitalization bread or tablecloths, you should dine on the disk plate edges; Bread with butter paper, a *** all piece of bread on the pick up in a little butter, hand breaking off consumption, or not to use a knife to cut teeth graffiti; Bread into soup or only when the first plate of food consumption. • If they do not want to drink wine, politely said : "I do not drink, thank you. "Do not use the quilt Cup. • statement should forks on the plate. Not to find fault with fork in hand-edged to talk, not to put up their forks, it will make people feel "scared", and indeed the risk of harm to themselves or others. Do not suggest, laughing loudly on the table -- or the city. -- Taboo words or intimate audible, meals or after meals not burps abuse, Baji mouth. -- Not on the table in front of the dead, sing or sorting out clothing. -- Not for others take their food with their own utensils, scoop soup or other food selection. Nothing to hide -- not publicly mention. Facing Taiwan Taiwan is facing major surface of the table seating arrangements and decorations. Put on the table pleasing to the surface again, not only to provide a fortable venue for the guests and a clean appliances, but also for bringing pleasure to enjoy the arts. This, of course, is an indispensable part of food. Taiwan is scattered or placed banquet tables facing Taiwan, most of the use of table, table or table. And table decorations similar to the tools used. Basically, the use of metal cutlery cutlery, knives, forks and three main engines. Because of the different types of dishes, cooking methods, the use of tableware, there are differences in size and shape. But how they are placed on the table? Here we are facing can be divided into two basic categories : luxury facing Taiwan and Taiwan. The middle and lower ends of the restaurant prices Basically facing Taiwan : (pièce de résistance) a knife, a fork and a piece of napkins (paper towels are available), a cup. • blade on the right side, the best direction Zhaozuo. • fork should be placed on the left, forking 。

8. 英文的西方餐桌礼仪


Normal Etiquette in West Restaurant


1. Doohickey of Preengage. The more slap-up the restaurant is, the more necessary to preengage. When making a preengage, you have to tell the exact number of person and the time, but also show clearly if you want to a non- *** oking or well viewing place. If it is for the birthday or any other special days, you can make them know the purpose and budget. It is bacical politeness that you should arrive in time.


2. you shouldn't wear the casual clothes in the restaurant even it may be a very expensive one.


It is the mon sense that one should wear properly when having dinner.




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