

关于传统文化的英语作文 关于传统文化的英语作文及翻译


China has the history of more than 5,000 years and we are so proud of the profound culture. Every year, we are so looking forward to spending the holiday during the traditional festivals. They are the important part of Chinese traditional culture. But for young people, the meaning of these festival is fading away.

When young people are asked about the meaning of traditional festival, some of them have no idea. For example, some young people believe that Mid-autumn Festival is to in honor of the ancestors, or it is a day to eat mooncake. Actually, most festivals have been advocated by the commercial ads, and they show people to buy more products to spend the festivals happily. Some ads try to implant people the wrong idea about the meaning of festival, just to attract more customers.

The loss meaning of traditional festivals brings the negative side to the preserve of traditional culture. The mass media should advocate the essence of the festivals, so as to let the young generation learn more about our culture and be proud of it.










s one culture without interruption. Generally speaking, it has not changed much.National Characteristic.More or less,it has changed in different historical periods.China'.Extensive and Profound.“Extensive” refers to Chinese traditional cultur's traditional culture )

1.From Generation to Generation. China'试译如下;“Profound”means Chinese traditional cultur's depth—unfathomable,but on the whole it'.


2;s breadth—rich and colorful;s traditional culture is unique to China,which is different from other nations'.

3.A Long History.It has 5000 years of history.


Chinese traditional culture(or China's traditional culture has been interrupted in some short historical periods

and continue from generation to generation. "And", said the Chinese traditional culture is the breadth - rich and colorful.

2 and national characteristics. Chinese traditional culture is unique to China, and other ethnic cultures in the world.

3, has a long history. Five thousand years of history.

4 and profound. China's traditional culture in some brief period in history has interrupt, in different historical periods of more or less change, but generally without interruption, overall, "intensivequot

1. Passing on from generation to generation. Chinese traditional culture may be interruppted in certain transient period,more or less changed during different historical periods, but on the whole, China maintained its cultural tradition without letup or obvious change.

2.National indentity. Chinese traditional culture is unique, different from other cultures in the world.

3.A long history. With five thousand years of history

4.Extensive and profound. Extensive is the breadth of Chinese culture---rich and varied, profound is the depth of Chinese culture---unfathomable



Many people have such an illusion that as long as China is in Chinese putonghua is still in, in the knowledge about China, and cultural heritage in Chinese traditional culture is still exist, safe, whether it is even self-critic or unpleasant. So we also hear "the 21st century is the century Chinese culture" and "to open China still faces harried the feudal responsibility. But now the problem is, it seems that the opposite of traditional Chinese culture, namely the alive, almost disappeared, the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture, facing the crisis unviable break son unique.

Culture, especially for a national characteristics and history have obvious influence to the physical cultural or "culture", is a kind of organic living, she or their historical life and soul. Say a culture that doesn't exist, mainly exist if she still live in a nation or communities of real life. The logo is specific to see: (1) the culture are strictly, namely a few group, with its own life practice in consciously inheriting her "Confucian" people, (2) she live the basic social structure is still exist, (3) her basic value orientation is also can affect people in life make significant choice, (4) her unique language is still alive in people express ideas and deep feelings of key words and art form. In short, see a culture is alive, will see her basic spirit is still can move the reality, and real life and history have echo. According to such a view, we cannot say ancient Egyptian culture also live in Egypt, or two river culture also live in Iraq. Of course, any living culture development and change, but it is a natural evolution process, old form between veins interlinked, "gene". If the culture rupture, also is the existence of people, ideas and spiritual orientation, is another force a change in an alien culture and fill not blend, cannot say this is a new form of original culture. More specifically, if one of the marks of four basic indicated that this phenomenon, culture, the two or three marks phenomenon is not obvious, the culture was plunged into crisis, if not visible sign phenomenon, this culture has died.


中国传统文化演讲稿 英语:

Hello everyone,today i want to say something about chinese traditional culture .

our chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance.

first,what’s the traditional chinese culture .traditional chinese culture includes material and moral products of ancient chinese people. the moral products involve confucianism, taoism, legalism, buddhism and social system. material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral.


good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " :

The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Maybe some of you have noticed that more and more people around us have started to learn a second language besides English . But maybe you will ask me “Isn’t it a good thing ?” No , absolutely not . It certainly meets the objective request of the economic globalization .But while we accept the western culture,some of us lost themselves in the ‘cultural sea’.The terrible ending will makes us lose our own traditional culture . So ,the cultural globalization which is caused by economic globalization may be harmful to our country’s scientific development.

As is well known to all , culture is the pillar of science .But under the situation of globalization ,there are two extreme phenomena . One is some people call 'Mr West ’ 。They accept western culture without any judgement , and they don’t care whether it is good or not . For instance ,maybe someone has found that western festivals are more and more popular such as VALENTINE’S DAY. At the same time ,Chinese traditional festivals are fading away in our memories .we can’t image how a country could develop with its own culture lost. Well , another is called ‘ Mr Old ’ , in the contrary , they refuse to accept any other cultures , they blame that cultural globalization is a disaster . To our surprise , they absolutely don’t know that exchanging culture can advance the development of science and technology .




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