

关於汉服的介绍 翻译成英文

The Xuan carry:The demitoilet of Zhou Dynasty establishment is a Xuan color, wide Xiu(very big sleeves), more tedious, is offer sacrifices to wait the important time just wears Zhao.

Song Ju:The top and bottom connects a body, around the body 1 turn or several, result in to tie up to round effect specially.Fight a country period is a daily clothing, the Han dynasty turns into into a demitoilet, didn't spread future generations.The some style lower hemses are more narrow and hour's ising long is mistaken for kimono.

Deep dress:Fight the country period daily clothing, was what men and women all can wear Zhao at that time.The top and bottom connects a body(the different Wu spread at that time of the blouse descends clothes), clothes part use cloth 12, the elephant Zheng was 12 months for a year.Didn't spread down at that time, at Ming Dynasty is again test according to come out, become the man's demitoilet.

Keep Ju:Top and bottom the daily clothing of the man who cut, fasten belt or waist to seal.

Lan Shan:The circle get, round a cloth in the lower part and have another Be an officer to take.

Keep a body:Call a tunic again, the Ming Dynasty is period of man daily clothing.BE also that the top and bottom cut, is dark to put, result in effect of beat the plait.

Ru skirt:The daily clothing of woman, the Ru is a short dress and the skirt is a skirt.

Half arm:1 kind of woman blouse, the short sleeve of the sleeves similar modern.

Together chest Ru skirt:The clothing style of tang dynasty, similar to the general Ru skirt, but fasten in the chest above.Match the Yan can(read ke 1) son(a kind of underwear) with to the Jin blouse.Take of draw lessons from object.

To the Jin blouse:The woman blouse of tang dynasty period, different Wu usually the Han take of hand over to get, but to the Jin style, after being a tang dynasty have no again popular.

Ma3 Mian4 Qun2:A kind of skirt of Ming Dynasty period, there is effect of beat the plait, very gorgeous.

Bei son:Then cape.The man's daily dress, the demitoilet of woman.

Short dozen:Laboring the people's clothing is blouse and pants, can fasten belt and the blouse both sides open slit.The cuff of sleeve is small and then the Wu labor.Can be modern recreational clothing and house clothes.

Medium dress:Man is medium dress and pants, lady is medium dress and clothes .The man still needs a list in in the dress the outside wear at the time of wearing a demitoilet, a tunic of white.If don't wear medium dress to wear Han to take like don't wear shirt to wear lounge suit, is a very ill-mannered behavior. 44


汉服,即汉民族传统服饰,,正式名称为华夏衣冠,古又称汉装、华服、汉衣冠等。汉服起源于华夏文明肇始的炎黄时代,定型于春秋战国,汉民族在汉朝正式形成后遂有汉服之名。此后,历朝历代均有沿革,但其基本特点从未改变。汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉服、隋唐汉服、宋明汉服四个发展阶段,周汉风格古朴凝重,魏晋风格潇洒飘逸,隋唐风格雍容华贵, 宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代, 古朴、典雅、华贵、明快等多种风格并存,百花齐放,形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。满清入关后,汉服在满清政府“削发易服”的民族压迫政策下被人为禁止。此后,代表中国文化的正统华夏衣冠——汉服,从中华大地基本消失。











对于“华夏”一词究竟做何解,当然还有其它的观点。然而在世人心中华夏民族与礼仪之大和服章之美密不可分,却是毋庸置疑的。 由此可见衣冠服饰和礼仪制度、思想文化一样,是中国传统文化中不可分割的重要一环。中华古老的服饰文化绚丽多彩,与民族属性息息相关。中国也因此自古以来被尊称为“衣冠上国”、“礼仪之邦”。

《易经 . 系辞》云:“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治,盖取诸乾坤。”也就是说,早在黄帝时代,古老华夏的服饰就已经相当有规模了。而且服饰形制取诸乾坤天地,意义就更不寻常。




Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China and Chinese dressed, and so on. Han served in the origin of Chinese civilization Yanhuang beginning of the era, in the shape of the Spring and Autumn, an official of the Han nationality in the Han Dynasty was formed there in the name of serving the Han. Since then, the historical evolution of all ages, but never changed its basic characteristics. Han served on the whole service can be divided into the Han Zhou, Wei and Jin Han clothing, Sui, Tang and Han clothing, Han Song served four stages of development, Zhou style dignified simplicity, elegant chic style of the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang dynasties Yongronghuagui style, Song and Ming Dynasties Han served as the master of the times, simple, elegant, Wah Kwai, crisp style and other co-exist, letting a hundred flowers bloom, the formation of the Han Weiweidaguan service system. Manqingruguan, Han served in the government of the Qing Dynasty, "Thinning easy to serve" the national policy of oppression under the prohibition of human being. Since then, representatives of the orthodox Chinese culture, Chinese dressed - Chinese clothes, disappeared from the land of China.

The main features of Chinese clothing is to pay the right collar overlapping part of Chinese gown, the band deducted hidden, Kuanpao big sleeves, no buttons, and use string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing, the characteristics of these obviously are different from those of other ethnic costumes. Han and dressed in uniforms or dress suits are divided, strict standard dress for formal occasions, wear costumes; general dressed in uniforms or remove large sleeves for the common people daily. Dressed to (Chinese service), courtesy (Han-li) for the characterization of China, was dressed as the neighboring country, Liyizhibang.

Han is a service campaign aimed at revitalization of the traditional costumes of the Han nationality for the media to lead people to strengthen the traditional culture of the concerns and thinking, the Chinese recovered the lost plot by the Chinese service-oriented material and spiritual civilization, and ultimately to the traditional Chinese culture The transformation of modern social and cultural renaissance movement.

"China has a service called Chapter of the United States and China, that great ritual of summer", and dressed Chinese (Chinese services) is not in the form of the ceremony, but the nation's history and heritage, the roots of the nation, the Chinese service of the United States to be more ceremonial Relying on the large. The British ceremony has been respected, young and old, orderly and strict interpretation of the norms of Chinese society ideals, and the solemn, pure and simple Zhou's better to play the ceremony content.

Han served a broad scope of the ceremony, the rite of passage in the form of point to the connotation of Chinese civilization, it is serving the Han and Hui, the unity ceremony.


Author: Wind-day环佩/ Jianjia Wind / Luck Welcoming

Talking about the traditional culture renaissance, almost everyone was well supported however, said Han rehabilitation services, they are still divergent views. Why renaissance? In this regard, although a lot of water, love the Chinese people have a lot of clothes, but a real understanding of the people there are not many. If you do not mind, I slowly Congtoushuiqi from talking about more than 3000 years ago.

First of all, we have to understand the meaning of "Chinese."

We all know that they are Chinese people, the result of a wanderer overseas also referred to as "overseas Chinese." However, what is "Chinese"?

See the phrase "Zuo Zhuan" - "China has great manners, so that summer; have served chapter of the United States and that of China."

"Huaxia" What do HO solution, of course, the other point of view. However, in the hearts of the Chinese nation and the people of the world's largest ceremonial kimono chapter of the United States and inseparable from, but it is beyond doubt. Can be seen dressed costumes and etiquette systems, ideology and culture, traditional Chinese culture is an integral important part. Chinese ancient culture, colorful costumes, and the nation is closely related to property. China has also been known since ancient times as "dressed on the country", "Liyizhibang."

"Book of Changes. Copulative": "Yellow Emperor Yao and Shun down clothes and rule the world, using come from to build the course of events." In other words, as early as the era of the Yellow Emperor, ancient Chinese costumes have been on quite a scale. Costumes and shapes the course of events generated from Heaven and Earth, the significance is even more unusual.

In the Zhou Dynasty, although in the modern sense before the formation of the Han nationality, but the Chinese civilization has green and luxuriant.

With a civilization, it is necessary to determine the identity of a series of landmark things Canopy system is one of the service.

We have long focused on an issue in fashion, so can be called "dressed on the" why. Weeks of the service system is deeply affected by the rules of the three thousand years later the idea of wearing apparel, clothing regardless of how the post from the ever-changing, the key elements are always maintained. That is: get the right to pay overlapping part of Chinese gown, without deduction knot Ying, Yi bao big sleeves.


Dress culture is introduced














predominant ethnic group of China).


It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and

it has had a long history

for nearly 4000 years since China originally began.







, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu





























national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing. Our

effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awareness.

The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left.


are casual wear and formal wear of it.


For the casual wear such as Shenyi (Shen-Yee): a long full body garment; Ruqun (Zu-Chin):

a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc. Formal garments may include: Xuanduan

(Shyan-Duan): a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state














academic occasions.

Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" ("Hwa-Shia"). "Hua"("Hwa") means

the beauty of the dress decoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is

the grandeur of rites and social conduct.




Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean














largely influenced by (Han) Chinese culture.


Costume in the Han Dynasty


China's complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han

Dynasty (206BC-220AD). The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing

technologies developed rapidly in the period, s






Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex.In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history.We each see what we ourselves wore as what was worn and typical of the era.The mood of society in the final decade of the last millennium was more defining than what was actually worn.


The cheongsam, or Qipao in Chinese, is evolved from a kind of ancient clothing of Manchu ethnic minority. In ancient times, it generally referred to long gowns worn by the people of Manchuria, Mongolia and the Eight-Banner.

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), long gowns featured collarless, narrow cuff in the shape of a horse's hoof, buttons down the left front, four slits and a fitting waist. Wearers usually coiled up their cuff, and put it down when hunting or battling to cover the back of hand. In winter, the cuff could serve to prevent cold. The gown had four slits, with one on the left, right, front and back, which reached the knees. It was fitted to the body and rather warm. Fastened with a waistband, the long gown could hold solid food and utensils when people went out hunting. Men's long gowns were mostly blue, gray or green; and women's, white.

Another feature of Manchu cheongsam was that people generally wore it plus a waistcoat that was either with buttons down the front, a twisted front, or a front in the shape of lute, etc.

When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they moved their capital to Beijing and cheongsam began to spread in the Central Plains. The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as well. At that time, men wore a long gown and a mandarin jacket over the gown, while women wore cheongsam. Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with succeeding improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.

Till the 1930s, Manchu people, no matter male or female, all wore loose-fitting and straight-bottomed broad-sleeved long gowns with a wide front. The lower hem of women's cheongsam reached the calves with embroidered flower patterns on it, while that of men's cheongsam reached the ankles and had no decorative patterns.

From the 1930s, cheongsam almost became the uniform for women. Folk women, students, workers and highest-tone women all dressed themselves in cheongsam, which even became a formal suit for occasions of social intercourses or diplomatic activities. Later, cheongsam even spread to foreign countries and became the favorite of foreign females.

After the 1940s, influenced by new fashion home and abroad, Manchu men's cheongsam was phased out, while women's cheongsam became narrow-sleeved and fitted to the waist and had a relatively loose hip part, and its lower hem reached the ankles. Then there emerge various forms of cheongsams we see today that emphasize color decoration and set off the beauty of the female shape.

Why do Han people like to wear the cheongsam? The main reason is that it fits well the female Chinese figure, has simple lines and looks elegant. What's more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by old and young.

The cheongsam can either be long or short, unlined or interlined, woolen or made of silk floss. Besides, with different materials, the cheongsam presents different styles. Cheongsams made of silk with patterns of flowerlet, plain lattices or thin lines demonstrate charm of femininity and staidness; those made of brocade are eye-catching and magnificent and suitable for occasions of greeting guests and attending banquets.

When Chinese cheongsams were exhibited for sales in countries like Japan and France, they received warm welcome from local women, who did not hesitate to buy Chinese cheongsams especially those top-notch ones made of black velour interlined with or carved with golden flowers. Cheongsam features strong national flavor and embodies beauty of Chinese traditional costume. It not only represents Chinese female costume but also becomes a symbol of the oriental traditional costume.








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