




- 1 -《寒假作业》七年级参考答案

语 文


一、1.略 2.嶙;伫;啜;sǒnɡ;zhàn;jīn 3.C 4.A 5.C









四、10.(1)菊花 (2)桃花 (3)杏花;杨柳 (4)杨花


一、1.略 2.奢;雏;迭;jiànɡ;diàn ;tī 3.C 4.B 5.C





四、10.(1)青青 (2)尖尖 (3)瑟瑟 (4)田田


一、1.略 2.嘹;礴;匐;xù ;niànɡ;hé 3.C 4. B 5.B

















一、1.略 2.措;筹;篡;qián ;yīn;shòu 3.C 4.D 5.C





- 2 - 7.共说了三层意思:①如何对待周围的世界;②如何与周围的人相处;③如何对待自己。





10.(1)池小能将月送来。出处:这是 上海豫园得月楼上的对联。


四、11. 第一首:嫦娥;第二首:吴刚;吴刚;嫦娥


一、1.略 2.虐;祷;匿;shù;hàn;nèn 3.A 4.A 5. B










9.(参考答案)(1)我的期望,期望儿子能回头。 (2)空荡荡的街正是妈妈内心的写照,邮筒是




三、11.(1)单枪匹马 (2)自成一家 (3)风吹草动 (4)童话 (5)散曲 (6)圆规 (7)丢三落四

四、12.(1)天光云影共徘徊 (2)巴山夜雨涨秋池 (3)青山郭外斜 (4)烟笼寒水月笼沙


一、1.略 2.骇;跄;稽;sū;luán;sài 3.C 4.C 5. D













数 学

第一单元 丰富的图形世界

一、1.C 2. D 3. A 4.面动成体 5. 12 6. 5 7. 9;14

二、8. B

- 3 - 9.(1)

图 a b c d

顶点数V 4 7 8 10

边数E 6 9 12 15

区域数F 3 3 5 6

(2) E F V = − + 1 (3)30

10.暴露在外面的面有 75 ) 5 4 3 2 1( 5 = + + + + × 面,需购五夹板数: 38 5. 37 2 75 ≈ = ÷ 张,需购油漆:

5. 37 75 5. 0 = × 千克。由(1)求得五夹板的进价为40元/张,购五夹板共付款: 4. 1702 38 ) 8. 4 40 ( = × + 元

购油漆应付款: 1275 5. 37 34 = × 元,实付款: 1035 20



1275 = × − 元

所以共需费用: 4. 2737 1035 4. 1702 = + 元

第二单元 有理数及其运算

一、1.A 2. C 3. B 4.D 5. D 6. A 7.B 8. B 9. D 10.C 11.向西运动3米 12.±3 13.

8;8;34 14.乘方;除法;加法 15.<;< 16. 254 17. ﹣3;2 18.(1)10 (2)42 (3)10

(4)﹣25 (5)﹣7 (6)﹣11














21.(1)1.7万人 (2)3日;2.4万人 (3)略

四、24. 1+1+3×4+5×6+7×8=100



第三单元 字母表示数

一、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. D

二、11. 6xy 12. 0 13. (1)13 (2)22 14.(1)

y x 5 2 − − (2) x − 15. (1)1(2) 5

- 4 -三、16. B 17. C 18.(1) 1 + x ; ) 1 ( 2 + x ; 1 ) 1 ( 2 − + x (2)39 (3)17

四、19. (1)343400(或 ×100×101×102) (2) ) 2 )( 1 (



+ + n n n (3) ) 3 )( 2 )( 1 (



+ + + n n n n

第四单元 基本平面图形

一、1. B 2. D 3.(1)BC (2)

DE CD; (3) CD (4) AB;DE

4. C 5. B 6.D 7.

° 5. 22 ; 5. 0; 6

8. 9.20;


) 3 ( − n n

二、10. 5cm 11.(1)因为 OE平分AOC ∠ ,OF平分BOC ∠ ,所以 BOC COF AOC COE ∠ = ∠ ∠ = ∠






又因为 ° = ∠+ ∠ 180 BOC AOC ,所以, ° = ° × = ∠ + ∠ = ∠+ ∠ = ∠ 90 180








(2) 当 OC位置变动时,EOF ∠ 的大小不变。理由:当OC位置变动时, EOF ∠ 始终等于AOB ∠ 的

一半,而AOB ∠ 度数为 ° 180 ,所以EOF ∠ 的大小不变。

三、12.必须设在B 点,此时三位同学的路程和为 AC BC AB = + 。若设在其他位置,不妨设为M 点。则三

位同学的路程和为 AC BM AC BM CM AM + = + + 。



四、15. (1)图略,线段总条数依次为15=5+4+3+2+1,21=6+5+4+3+2+1 (2)


) 1 ( −


n n



第五单元 一元一次方程

一、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. 26 = k 5.

2 − = x


2 = x 7. 5000元 8. (1)



= x (2) 4 − = a (3) 2 = x




= x 9. 52千米 10. 一等票8张,二等票24张 11.300元/件

二、12. □里的数字是2 13.鳄鱼头长1米,全长5.5米。

三、14.提示:设李白壶中原有酒x 斗,可列方程得

0 1 ] 1 ) 1 2( 2[ 2 = − − − x




= x 。

15. 张教授15元,王教授30元,李教授45元。

四、16. 在等式性质中,等号两边所加的是量,而小聪所加的,是一个名称,不是量。

第六单元 数据的收集与整理

一、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D

二、 6. 抽样调查 7. 每位歌迷支持的参赛学员 8.94.8



10. (1)5分钟3人,10分钟3人,15分钟6人,20分钟12人,25分钟2人,30分钟2人,35分钟1人,45

分钟1人 (2)略




英 语

Happy English (No.1)

1.(1)They have fans.(fans是关键词,一词同有粉丝和风扇之意)

- 5 - (2)There is no change.(change是关键词,一词同有零钱和变化之意)

(3)Because the rivers have banks.(banks是关键词,一词同有河岸和银行之意)

(4)In a dictionary.(dictionary是关键词)

(5)Because the letter C makes being fat a fact.(fact是关键词)

2.(1)C (2)A (3)A (4)D (5)B

Happy English (No.2)

1. play football;wash face;play the violin;talk on the phone;argue with sb;go fishing

2.(1)C (2)A (3)E (4)F (5)H

3.(1) The Sun.

(2) It gives us heat and light.

(3) The moon is just 380,000 kilometers away.

(4) Because it is very far away.

(5) It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri.

Happy English (No.3)

2.(1) Is it expensive/dear to visit England/Britain/the Great Britain? (visit用travel to, take a trip to 等等表示旅


(2) What are the differences between England and France?

(3) Do you know any good restaurants in England? / Do you know something delicious to eat in England? / Do you

know somewhere to have good meals in England? (类似同义句意思正确即可)

(4) Where else shall/can we visit?/ Where else is also interesting to visit?/ Where else is also worth visiting?/

Where else can’t be missed? (意思表达正确即可)

(5) What shall I buy for friends?/ What shall I buy as souvenirs/gifts for friends? (表达出礼物、纪念品之意


Happy English (No.4)


动词 过去式 动词 过去式 动词 过去式

be was/ were buy bought see saw

cook cooked begin began steal stole

know knew do did take took

swim swam cost cost sleep slept

get got find found sit sat

teach taught throw threw meet met

leave left stand stood bring brought

feel felt speak spoke fly flew

smell smelt come came wake woke

drive drove give gave choose chose

run ran hear heard lose lost

think thought send sent read read

keep kept hurt hurt rise rose

2.(1) What’s your favorite sports?

(2) A man stole a purse from a tourist.

(3) Did they catch the thief?

(4) Our class consists of 40 students.

(5) I aimed the torch at his eye.

Happy English (No.5)


- 6 -every day/


last Sunday/


two days ago


next week/

in three days

attend I attend the class every day. I didn’t attend a club yesterday. I will attend a meeting next week.


Our teacher often explains

new words in English.

I explained why I was late for

school two days ago.

I will explain it to you tomorrow.


I never steal something from


He stole a bag from me last


He is going to steal her diamond

next week.

invite I often invite her to my house.

He invited me to his birthday

party last week.

I will invite you to see a film


2.Tom saved $25.

Tom needs $60 to buy the bag.


Happy English (No.6)

1. (1) The child is going to the reception desk.

(2) The child is at the reception desk.

(3) The child is walking out from the reception desk.

(4) The child is putting a dish onto the table.

(5) There is a dish on the table.

(6) The dish is falling off the table.

(7) There is something above the bed.

(8) There is something below the bed.

(9) There is a man in front of the car.

(10) There is a man behind the car.

(11) There is a man between two cars.

(12) A boy is walking into a house.

(13) There is a boy in the house.

(14) A boy is walking out of the house.

Happy English (No.7)


Monkeys Elephants Kangaroos


Lions and Tigers the parrot house


Zebras the information desk

Happy English (No.8)

1. I always take a shower.

I usually do homework.

I often play football.

I sometimes watch TV.

I never go shopping.

I sometimes go to bed early.

2.(1) The largest Mammals in the World.

(2) Weight.

(3) White rhinoceros.

(4) 100 feet.

(5) 8,000 pounds.

(6) White rhinoceros.

生 物

第一单元 生物和生物圈


1. A 2.(1)D (2)C (3)B

3.(1)生物对外界刺激做出反应 (2)生物能对外界刺激做出反应 (3)生物能繁殖 (4)生物的生

活需要营养 (5)生物能排出身体内产生的废物

4.(1)捕食 (2)环境影响生物 (3)生物影响环境 (4)生物具有变异特性 (5)生物具有遗传特



- 7 -性


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D


(2)假设鱼在水中呼吸时,利用的是溶解在水中的氧气 (3)金鱼缸; 池塘水;小鲤鱼 (4)会大


(5)鱼在水中呼吸时,利用的是溶解在水中的氧气 (6)为了避免偶然性,减少实验的误差。


(1)寄生 (2)互利共生 (3)共栖

第二单元 生物体的结构层次


1.C 2.(1)物质和能量 (2)B 3.(1)眼睛 (2)大脑 (3) 壁虎 (4)橘子


1.C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. A


第三单元 生物圈中的绿色植物


1.(1)A (2)A (3)B

2.(1)D (2)B (3)B



1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8.C 9. D 10. D 11. B

12. C 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. D 17.C

历 史

第一单元 中华文明的起源

一、1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D

二、1.北京人;山顶洞人 2.干栏式;半地穴式 3.建造宫室;制作衣裳;教人打井;发明舟车


四、①A B C D ②E ③F

五、 ( 北京人 ) (河姆渡村落) (炎黄部落)

( 元谋人 ) (山顶洞人) (半坡村落)

第二单元 国家的产生和社会的变革

一、1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.D

二、1.世袭制 2.公元前1600年;公元前1046年 3.分封制;宗法制;礼乐制 4.齐桓公;晋文公;

楚庄王 5.齐;楚;燕;韩;赵;魏;秦

三、1.商;西周;春秋;战国 2.屈原;孙武;韩非;孔子 3.司母戊鼎;三星堆青铜立人像;战国


四、①E ②C ③A ④B ⑤F ⑥D

五、 ( 商朝建立 ) (东周建立) (长平之战)

( 夏朝建立 ) ( 西周建立 ) (屈原投江)

第三单元 统一国家的建立

一、1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C


- 8 - 2.东海:陇西:长城:南海



四、①B ②A ③D ④C


第四单元 政权分立与民族融合

一、1.D 2.D 3.C 4.D





四、①孙权 曹丕 ②苻坚 拓跋宏 ③祖冲之 贾思勰 ④王羲之 顾恺之

五、 国号 时间

魏 220年

三国 蜀 221年




吴 222年

地 理

一、1.球体;地球卫星照片 2.缩小;图上距离;数字式;文字式;线段式;北;东西;南北;北;

南;西;东 3.自转;公转;西;东 4.亚洲;欧洲;非洲;北美洲; 南美洲;大洋洲;南极洲

5.太平洋;印度洋;大西洋;北冰洋 6.平原;高原;山地;丘陵;盆地 7.空气的温度;摄氏度

(℃) 8.中低纬度地区;平原;盆地 9.体质方面的特征;肤色;眼色;毛发; 头型;脸型;黄色

人种;白色人种;黑色 10.汉语;英语;法语; 俄语;西班牙语;阿拉伯语

二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.

B 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.D 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.B

27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.D

三、1.(1)①100E ②400E ③700E ④1000E ⑤1300E ⑥1600E (2)600N 700E (3)不相等或AB<


2.(1)指向标 (2)东北;正北 (3)比例尺

3.(1)A→B B→C C→D D→A (2)春分;赤道上 (3)极夜;昼长夜短 (4)D;A

4.(1)A.亚洲;B.南美洲;C.大洋洲;D.欧洲;E.非洲;F.南极洲;G. 北美洲 (2)略

5.(1)山顶;鞍部;山谷;陡崖 (2)50;100 (3)西北 (4)E

6.(1)略 (2)印度洋 (3)太平 (4)亚欧;印度洋;美洲;南极洲;非洲;印度洋

7.(1) ①②④⑤;地处中低纬度的沿海平原,气候适宜,交通便利


数码 人口稀少的原因 数码 人口稀少的原因

③ 湿热的热带雨林 ⑥ 热带沙漠地区

⑦ 寒带亚寒带地区 ⑧ 青藏高原地区

(3)②⑤;⑥;②③ (4)基督教;英语

8.(1)伊斯兰教;基督教;佛教 ⑵星月;十字架

9.(1) ③;②;④;① (2)地中海;夏季炎热干燥,冬季温和多雨 (3)A

10.(1)新加坡;A (2)B;D;C (3)略






翻译: Chinese culture

弘扬中国文化popularize Chinese culture

中国文化精粹Chinese Culture

中国文化大学Chinese Culture University

中国文化与传统Chinese Culture and Tradition

传播中国文化spread Chinese culture

中国文化资料Chinese Cultural Resources

中国文化与文学Chinese Culture and Literature

中国文化概论an introduction to chinese culture

中国文化导读Guide to Chinese Culture






WhyIhavenevercatchedthehappiness?WheneverIwantyou,Iwillbeaccompanyedbythememoryof。 。





假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 8WithinyouIlosemyself,withoutyouIfindmyselfwantingtobelostagain。


9IneedhimlikeIneedtheairtobreathe。 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。





The end of one journey is always the beginning of another. Change is painful, and always comes with a cost. It hurts to bear those costs, but we can"t allow that to sway us. Tomorrow is a mystery; the only thing we can do is face it with resolve. We move forward, always forward and into what"s next. We make a choice, we act on that choice, and all that"s left is to live in hope.

一段旅程的结束总是意味着另一段旅程的开始. 改变是让人烦躁不安的,而且终究要让人付出代价. 承受代价却使人痛苦不堪.但我们不能为之动摇. 明天将还是一个未知数, 而我们唯一能做的就是下定决心去面对它. 我们要前进而且要不断地前进,不管接下来会发生什么. 我们会做出抉择,并将为此付诸行动, 然后剩下的就是满怀希望地活下去.

字比较多 但是我很喜欢 只看一看也是值得的

4.英语 有寓意的句子

●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad 【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。】

●Try again. Fail again. Fail better.——Samuel Beckett 【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。】 ●Try not. Do or do not.——Yoda 【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。

做或者不做。】 ●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle。

is another riddle.——Emerson 【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。】 ●The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill 【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。】

●When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche 【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。】 ●Imagination is more important than knowledge.Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.—— Einstein 【爱因斯坦:想象力比知识更为重要。

知识是有限的,而想象力则包围着整个世界。】 ●Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.——William Faulkner 【威廉姆斯·福克纳(美国作家):别自寻烦恼的只想比你同时代的人或是先辈们出色,试着比你自己更出色吧。】

●Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.——Samuel Johnson 【赛缪尔·约翰森(英国文豪):几乎所有荒谬的行为均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。】 ●Don't forget that I cannot see myself that my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror.——Jacques Rigaut 【Jacques Rigaut(法国诗人):别忘了我看不到我自己,我的角色仅限于看向镜子里的那个人。】

●Birds sing after a storm.Why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?——Rose Kennedy 【罗丝·肯尼迪(肯尼迪总统的母亲):鸟儿在暴风雨后歌唱,人们为什么在仍是阳光普照的时候还不尽情感受快乐呢?】 ●When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him.——Euripides 【Euripides(希腊悲剧诗人):当一个好人受到伤害,所有的好人定将与其同历磨难。】 ●When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.——Euripides 【Euripides:爱得太深,会失去所有荣耀和价值。】

●The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it's existence, rather, a condition of it.——Nietzsche 【尼采:一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。相反,这恰恰是它存在的条件。】

●Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.——Shakespeare 【莎士比亚:没有什么比希望不平凡而更平凡的了。】 ●With foxes, we must play the fox.——Dr. Thomas Fuller 【Dr. Thomas Fuller:遇到狐狸时,我们一定要学会狡猾。】

●The healthy man does not torture others. Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.——Carl Jung 【荣格:健康的人不会折磨他人,往往是那些曾受折磨的人转而成为折磨他人者。】 ●A belief is not merely an idea that mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind.——Robert Oxton Bolton 【Robert Oxton Bolton(作家):信仰不只是一种受头脑支配的思想,它也是一种可以支配头脑的思想。】

●A question that sometimes drives me hazy--am I or the others crazy?——Einstein 【爱因斯坦:有时我会迷惑,是我疯了还是其他人疯了?】 ●Unfortunately a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares.——Sir Peter Ustinov 【彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫爵士(文化界名人、谐星、英国老牌演员、剧作家、表演艺术家、小说家、社会活动家、歌剧导演):不幸的是,多梦的代价就是噩梦也将随之增多。】 ●Ideologies separate us, dreams and anguish bring us together.——Eugene Ionesco 【尤金·艾里斯柯(罗马尼亚荒谬剧剧作家):意识形态分离了我们,而梦想和痛苦使我们走到了一起。】

●The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.——Harriet Beecher Stowe 【哈里耶持·比彻·斯托(新英格兰女小说家、反奴隶制度作家,代表作是『汤姆叔叔的小屋』):最痛苦的泪水从坟墓里流出,为了还没有说出口的话和还没有做过的事。】 ●Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.——Leo Tolstoy 【列夫·托尔斯泰:幸福的家庭都彼此相似,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。】

●One man's wilderness is another man's theme park.——Author unknown 【作者不详:一个人的荒野是另一人的主题公园。】 ●Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself。





















法文词汇在英文中也随处可见,原因是9世纪诺曼征服时法国的诺曼底公爵将法语带入了不列颠岛 由此开始了法语对英语极大的影响 到了13、14世纪 法语借词如潮水般涌入英语 而今在今天的英语中 半数以上的词汇都来自于法语。中国对英语也有贡献,long time no see。

casino(开始了) toufu ,Taoism等。


文化的概念 文化一词起源于拉丁文的动词“Colere”,意思是耕作土地(故园艺学在英语为Horticulture),后引申为培养一个人的兴趣、精神和智能。


此后,文化的定义层出不穷,克莱德·克拉克洪在1950年代末期搜集了100多个文化的定义。 文化在汉语中实际是“人文教化”的简称。



Discipline is remembering what you want。

克己修身之道在于紧记自己的所需。 The difference between the determination。

事之可为与不可为,紧于人的决心。 Life shrinks or expands in proportion one's courage。

人生起落以意志勇怯而定。 There are no speed limits on the road to excellence。

迈向卓越之路并无速度限制。 Careers,like rockets,don't always take lff on schedule。

The key is to keep working on the engines。事业就像火箭并非总是依时升空。

关键是始终保持动力。 Making long-term decisions requires short-term difficulties。

要作长远的决定势必面对眼前的困阻。 There was never a night or a problem that could defeatsunrise or hope。

黑夜不能阻止日出,难题无法抹杀希望。 Truth is etermal,knowledge is changeabli。

It is disastrous to confuse them。真理是永恒的,知识却可变易,混淆二者则后果不堪设想。

Where principli is involved,be deaf to expediency。牵涉到原则的时候,决不能通融。

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past,threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible。偏见是心灵上的累赘,会播迷务于往事,植危机于未来,更使人无法掌握现在。

The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators。能干的领航员永远看风使帆。

Let him that would move the world,first move himself。 要推动世界,须先自己行动。

Noboby gets to live life backward。Look ahead___that's where your future lies。


Most people are welling to pay more to be amused than to be educated。 大多数人情愿多付代价娱己,却吝啬请教求益。

He who lives without discipline dies without honor。生前不律己,身后难流芳。

You have to be frest,best or different。 做事不先人着鞭,也应高人一等或与人不同。

Heroes and winners aren't the same thing。英雄未必得胜,胜利者未必是英雄。

No great deed,private or public,has ver been undertaken in a bliss lf certainty。 杰出成就,不论公私,从来不是侥幸得来。

Victories only mean something they lead to happiness。胜利要带来快乐,才有意义。

Old age begins when we rise in the morning without a goal and lie down at night without hope。 假若你早晨起床时心里没任何目标,晚上就寝时心里没任何期望,那表示你开始老了。

The way to use our past is not as crutches,but as steps up a ladder。不要视经验为拐杖,而应视之为助人进步的阶梯。

Men and kings are gauged not only bythe way they cope with defeat,but the way they hadle victory。衡量一个人是否卓越,不但要看他如何应付挫折,也要看他成功以后如何自处。


If you don't thind every day is a good day,just try missing one。假如你不觉得人生天天美好,大可不过一天试试。

Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks lf changing himself。人人都想改变人性,但谁都没想到要改变自己。

It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream。 看日落而不兴遐想,几乎是不可能的。

The young do not know enough to be prudent,and therefore they attempt the impossible____and achieve it,generation after generation。 年轻人少不更事,不知天高地厚,因此勇赴不可能事,竟有所成,代代如此。


A DOG IN THE MANGER 因为文化传统的关系,狗在英语语言中都被当作忠实、可爱、聪敏的象征,因此与之有关的短语也大多为褒义之词,但 a dog in the manger 则属例外。

从字面来看,A dog in the manger 是指『马厩里的狗』,读者可能觉得奇怪了,狗怎么跑到马厩里去了呢?要解释清楚这个短语的实际含义,还得『追根溯源』。 这个短语最早出现于《伊索预言》,故事的梗概是:一匹马和一条牛正在马厩里吃草。


而它自己呢,也只能看着稻草而不能吃。 《美国韦氏大词典》将其解释为:The dog who would not allow a horse or ox to eat the hay in a manger, even though he himself did not want it. 并且在这一基本意义的基础上又将该片语引申为:A persom who selfishly withholds from others something that he himself can not use or does not need. 讲到这里,大家可能已经想到了汉语中的一个俗语:『占着茅坑不拉屎』,两者在语意上倒也确实十分贴近。

根据具体的语境,这个短语还可以理解为『自私自利的人』,『一毛不拨的人』等。例如: Don't be such a dog in the manger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon. 【中】别这么不够朋友。

既然你今天下午不出去就把自行车借给他用一用。 ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS 如果仅从字面上看,这个短语即指『裤子里的蚂蚁』。

蚂蚁怎么爬到裤子里去了呢,裤子里有蚂蚁又会是怎样的一种感觉呢?读者还是迷惑不解。 这个短语的具体出处已无法考证,但有一种说法比较合乎情理,具有一定的说服力。



结果搞得这些探险家坐立不安,无所适从。逐渐地,ants in one's pants 便形成了一个固定短语,与汉语中的『坐立不安』、『急得像热锅上的蚂蚁』等相对成趣。

例如: Tom has got a ticket to the football match, but his father ordered him to write the composition at home. He has ants in his pants. 【中】汤姆搞到了足球赛的票,但他父亲让他在家写作文。他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

DOUBLE BAGGER 中文可译为『 无地自容者』。通常指某个人因为自身的原因比如性格孤僻而不受大家的欢迎,或者是因为做了什么见不得人的事情而在别人面前感到羞愧不已,恨不得用两个袋子将自己的头藏起来,以掩饰自己的难堪和窘迫。

例如: The actress was aware that she had committed a double bagger when she completely forgot her lines, and then her wig fell off. 【中】那位女演员很清楚自己做了一件无地自容的事,因为她忘了台词,而且假发也掉了下来。 APPLE OF SODOM 这是一个同苹果有关的短语,要想弄清楚它的确切含义,还要对它的来源做一番考察。

该短语中的 Sodom 是远古时代的一座城市,位于现在的死海附近。据说该城市为罪恶之深渊。


根据神话传说,这是上帝对这里的人们的一种惩罚。后来,人们便用 apple of Sodom 来表达这样的含义:something that is not worth its value,汉语中的『金玉其外,败絮其中』、『徒有其表(的人或物)』等表达的就是这一含义。

例如: Nowadays few people believe in advertisements, which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Somdom. 【中】现在很少有人相信广告,因为它们只是想让人们购买劣质商品的诱饵。 TO TEACH A FISH HOW TO SWIM 你有听说过不会游泳的鱼吗?你有听说过鱼因不会游泳而被淹死的事吗?如果谁有这样的担忧,我想和那个被人嘲笑了几百年的担心天会塌下来的杞国人就没有什么差别了,必定会成为人们茶余饭后的笑料。

作为一种本能,鱼儿天生就是会游泳的,完全适应水底生活,如果有人想教鱼儿how to swim,这和在鲁班门前卖弄使斧头的功夫,在孔老夫子面前卖弄写文章的本领又有什么差异呢? 因此,to teach a fish how to swim 的含义就是〖班门弄斧〗,〖在孔夫子面前卖文章〗。英语中类似的表达还有:teach a dog to chase rabbits; show the President where the White House is; teach the Pope how to pray; use Chinese maxims in front of Confucius。

BLUE MOON 在英语语言中,与blue moon相关的短语还有once in a blue moon(千载难逢地),cry/ask for the moon(异想天开,想做做不到的事)等。


1.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺). 译:天坛是中国现存最大、保存最完好的坛庙。

是明清两代皇帝每年祭天、祈祷五谷丰登、风调雨顺的地方。 2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”. 译:香山因其形状似香炉,周围常常云雾缭绕,看起来犹如香烟弥漫。

因此人们便称之为香炉山,简称香山。 3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh century when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty. 译:北海公园位于景山公园的西面,早在11世纪中叶,辽代就在这里建立瑶屿行宫。

4.故宫(Former Imperial Palace),也称紫禁城(Purple Forbidden City),位于北京市的中心,是明清两朝的皇宫。 译:Located in the center of Beijing, the Former Imperial Palace , also known as the Purple Forbidden City , was the royal palace for the Ming and Qing dynasties. 5.天安门广场(Tiananmen Square ) 位于北京市的中轴线(central axis)上,是北京的标志性建筑(symbolic architecture). 译:Located on the central axis of Beijing, the Tiananmen Square is the symbolic architecture of Beijing. 6. 颐和园(Summer Palace)是清朝皇家用的避暑行宫(summer resort), 是中国现存规模最大、保存最为完好的古代园林建筑。

译:Being a summer resort of the Qing royal family, the Summer Palace is the most intact ,the best preserved and the largest of its kind of the classical gardens in China.。

我的假期my holiday英语作文

英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。下面是我整理的我的假期my holiday英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇1

The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it's been 55 years of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. Early in the morning, we go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; Some do greeting cards, open class meetings with a special theme; Others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇2

My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"

I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.



我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇3

This holiday, I went on a trip with my best friend.It was cold in the morning, but hot at noon.We went to mount emei. It was very beautiful.We talked to monkeys there. Monkeys are very interesting!They are not afraid of strangers, especially naughty, but also very lovely, I like them too!At noon, we ate the snacks above, very expensive, the taste is ok.The next day, we went to Beijing by plane.Beijing is so congested!We went to tian anmen square, the old Summer Palace ruins, the imperial palace, also went to the Great Wall, I wear our national hanfu, indescribable pride!I got a lot of compliments!We went to the alley on the third day, the bean juice, especially bad to drink, and the taste let me can not stand!The fourth day, we went to zhejiang xitang, where the people are particularly many!In the afternoon we went to the west lake, leifeng pagoda, the scenery is so beautiful!What an interesting trip!


我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇4

It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study!

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇5

In my holiday I went to Taishan. I went to there with my mum and dad. And my sister went to Hong Kong with her friends. In Taishan I went to Taishan Museum. At night I went to eat snake, it is so yummy.

Next day I went to catch the shrimps with fish pole. And we ate barbecue in the night. I was so tired after that, so I went to sleep.

In morning, I went back to Guangzhou, and I said: “I come back to Guangzhou; I go back to my home. I like my holiday very much!”

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇6

I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a sunnyday.We sat under a big tree and talkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunny things.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games.

We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun!



我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇7

My holiday si happy .No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful.I very Iike My holiday. Because it is holiday..During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy.I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day.I Iike my holiday.

我的假日是快乐的。没有学校,没有课。这是人生中最美丽的。我非常喜欢我的假期。因为它是在假期。在假期里,我会每天去和我的朋友出去玩,我们玩的很开心,我很开心。我们将去图书馆读一本书,这是我最喜欢做。我会和爸爸一起玩游戏,和爸爸玩游戏时非常高兴。我会帮我的父母每天打扫房间,我的父母是happy every天。我喜欢我的假期。

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇8

I have a two months summer vacation. During the holiday, I was very happy, because I did not have to focus on my study all the time. But I still spent some time in my study. I want to learn more in the holiday. Besides, I spent a lot of time in playing, such as meeting friends, watching TV, searching the Internet, playing puter games and so on. In addition, I help my mother do some house work. I can reduce some burden of her and learn to be independent. In short, I have a good and rich holiday.


我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇9

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇10

Summer holiday is ing . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city ,too . I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is ing soon .

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇11

I have a very nice summer holiday this year.

This year is 2010,and world expo would held in Shanghai China.But for some reasons ,I can't go there.It may be a little pity for me.During this summer hoilday,I have done a lot of homeworks and go to a lot of places with my friends.It's really enjoyable.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇12

My holiday is very interesting!

I get up at 7 o'clock. After wash and have breakfast , I do my homework at 8 o'clock.And then , I do some play .

I have lunch at 12 o'clock.Then I do homework again .After that , I play puter games or watch TV . I have supper at 7 o'clock . And I play game again . I go to bed at 9 o'clock.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇13

My holiday

Today, the weather does not alternate very much。 I and the schoolmate go out to picnic together! We have been arriving at Shan Shang , the gentle breeze has been boasting lightly , have been feeling fortable extremely! We have brought a good deal food and drink along! We eat as well as chatting , have good good time。

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇14

When July comes, I feel so happy, because I will have a long vacation.

I make some plans for my holiday, first, I will sleep a day, since I don’t have to wake up early, so I can make up my sleep. Second, I will go to travel with my friends, we plan to go to some famous places.

I feel so excited now.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇15

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week.We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.

I think we'll have a good time there.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇16

Though the park is beside the Yellow River,the air is still a little smelly because there are a lot of animals such as horses,cocks and so on here,which make lots of wastes every day while few people clean them.In a word,the park is not so good as I had expected,and I felt unsatisfied about it.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇17

Last saturday, I was very happy.

On saturday, I got up at seven o'clock. After breakfast, I did my homwwork, It was a little difficult. Then I played computer games,It was very interesting, so I liked they very much.In the eveing ,I visit my friend--Hans,he was very friendly to me,I love him.

I was veryhappy,I think you did too.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇18

I had a very happy vacation.In every day's life,I do my homework in the morning,play with my friend in the afternoon,read book after dinner.In another day,I can go to MEISHAN moutain.Like this,study and play are all on the way,very plentiful.


我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇19

I have a very happy holiday.我度过了一个很快乐的假期

My father and mother take me to the zoo,and I see many lovely animals,like monkey,panda,tiger and so on...我的爸爸妈妈带我到动物园,我看到了很多可爱的动物,比如猴子,熊猫,老虎,等等

This year is the Ox year,so we go to the cow factory to see the cows.Oh,how lovely they are!今年是牛年,所以我们去了奶牛场看奶牛。哦,它们多么可爱呀!

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇20

My Summer Holiday

I have a very nice summer holiday this year.This year is 2010,and world expo would held in Shanghai China.But for some reasons ,I can't go there.It may be a little pity for me.During this summer hoilday,I have done a lot of homeworks and go to a lot of places with my friends.It's really enjoyable.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇21

My holiday

I have a very happy holiday.

My father and mother take me to the zoo,and I see many lovely animals,like monkey,panda,tiger and so on.

This year is the Ox year,so we go to the cow factory to see the cows.Oh,how lovely they are!

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇22

My winter holiday

I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,i should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits .

Do not forgot to do my homework in time . anyway ,I think we must relax ourselves .so my family want to make a trip together !I can not wait!

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇23

My Holiday

My holiday is very interesting!

I get up at 7 o'clock. After wash and have breakfast , I do my homework at 8 o'clock.And then , I do some play . I have lunch at 12 o'clock.Then I do homework again .After that , I play computer games or watch TV . I have supper at 7 o'clock . And I play game again . I go to bed at 9 o'clock.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇24

I have a good winner vacation!In my winner vacation ,I often did my homework, and helped my mother clean rooms.I sometimes went shopping with my friends . We had a good time! I also watched TV and played computer games. During Spring Festival ,I visited my grandparents.

I was very happy ,I think my winner vacation was very interesting!

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇25

The National Day is coming.

On this National Day,I will going to Beijing with my mother and father.I want to do something interesting. I am going to the Great Wall.Well I am also going to Tian'anmen Square. After that I am visiting to the Palace Museum.It's a good vacation. I can't wait.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇26

My holiday

National Day is coming.I am going to Beijing with my mother and father.I want to do something interesting. I am going to the Great Wall.Well I am also going to Tian'anmen Square. After that I am visiting to the Palace Museum.It's a good vacation. I can't wait.

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇27

On the May first .I had done some interesting things for the family .First ,I helped my mother clean the house ,it was very difficult ,do you know ,mothers must be very tired ,you can see ,I just do housework for a short time ,and I felt very tired ,and mothers have to do housework everyday ,So ,we should thanks for mother .

我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇28

I have a long vacation. I am very happy because the holidays in one day is my birthday. My grandmother, father, mother, sister, and I climb Mount Tai. Took a lotofpretty pictures. Came back, my mother bought me a lot to eat. Birthday, her mothermade ?a lot of vegetables, Xu finished willing, cut the cake. That holiday, I had a good time.

标签: buy汉服




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